Behind The Scenes
The Official Fansite has the largest ever collection of
Pictures, Interviews, Videos, Magazine Articles and so much
more. This section is always expanding with new additions
added almost every month. Many of these collections have
been submitted by fans, and we appreciate everyones help
for building this detailed history of Auf Wiedersehen, Pet.
Not everything you see in this section will be strictly
‘Behind The Scenes’, but this is the simplest way of getting
everything in one place.
Nov 11 1983 - Feb 10 1984
Series 1
Series 1 first aired in 1983, and being the original, is rated
as the best by many. The rarest items to find from this
series are pictures taken during filming, and also of the
building of the set in Elstree.
Includes a Timeline from writer Stan Hey, Tim Spall’s
Central Television Press Release, Agency Cards, The
Vehicles including Oz’s Zephyr and Barry’s Triumph
Motorbike. You can also find out what the Beco Building
Site which is located in Hamburg, looks like now.
Feb 21 1986 - May 16 1986
Series 2
Series 2 is the largest section, and has more than 30
collections of Behind The Scenes Pictures, information and
so much more from the massive second series.
Much of this has never been seen before, and includes
such things as Writer Stan Hey’s pictures from his visit to
Thornely Manor, pictures from the making of Thornely
Manor inside and outside, what happened to the front
door and more. Also includes information on Ally’s Villa.
Apr 28 2002 - June 28 2002
Series 3
Back in 2002, Auf Wiedersehen, Pet returned and you can
view a collection of pictures, and filming information from
this hugely successful third series.
View pictures of the lads on the Transporter Bridge, and
find exclusive pictures of filming from the series. This third
series even though more recent, tracking down any behind
the scenes pictures is a difficult task.
Jan 4 2004 - Feb 8 2004
Series 4
View exclusive pictures and filming information for the
fourth series, set in Cuba, but mostly filmed in the UK and
The Dominican Republic.
You can also read the script from the last episode of this
series ‘The End Of The Affair’ which features scenes not
shown on TV, and read the lads ‘Cuban Diary’, which
features exclusive BBC interviews with the cast, crew and
28/29 Dec 2004
The Special
Pat Roach was written into the early scripts for this fifth
series aka The Special, although he was too ill to do any
filming, and sadly passed away midway through shooting.
You can read his missing scenes, and also view build plans
for the huts, and a couple of pictures, with an exclusive
sent in from Shane and Tim Spall.
21st September 2013
Over the weekend of the 20th of September2013 , 4
events were organised to celebrate 30 years of this iconic
show. Stars of the show came from far and wide to join in
the celebration.
On the evening of the 21st, the ‘Brickies Banquet’ brought
together Tim Healy, Kevin Whately, Julia Tobin, Melanie Hill,
Lesley Saint-John, Val McLane, Franc Roddam, Ian la
Frenais, Dick Clement, Stan Hey, Roger Bamford and Tony
Charles for the first time in years, to help turn the weekend
in to an amazing fan experience.
26th July 2014
Fan Gathering
In 2014, Auf Wiedersehen, Pet held an exclusive Fan
Gathering event over the weekend of July 26th.
The 2013 Convention in Newcastle saw many of the cast,
writers and crew attend, but we wanted to dig a little
deeper. We invited along writer Stan Hey who wrote many
of the classic Series 1 & 2 episodes including ’Cowboys’. We
also tracked down and brought in many of the crew who
worked on Series 1 & 2 including, Colin Russell, Deborah
Kerby, Will Davies, Barry Stevenson and Gerry Elms.
Various Years
Auf Wiedersehen, Pet has featured in countless
Magazines and Newspapers over the years, and the team
here at Auf Pet have worked tirelessly to scourer the world
for articles, interviews, pictures and more from magazines
and newspapers.
If you have anything articles you’d like to feature, just scan
them in HQ and fire them over to the team using the
Contact link above.
© Auf Wiedersehen, Pet 1983 - 2021